5 Best Steroids for Women
Best Steroids For Women
Now that we’ve looked at virilization, here are some steroids which'll have a dramatic impact on a woman's physique, helping them to build muscle and burn fat.
Here are five of the best steroids for women that are commonly available.
Winstrol, also known as Winny, is a steroid that's popular amongst women, as well as men.
It’s not the strongest steroid out there by any stretch, but it certainly isn’t the weakest either.
It is a very effective performance enhancing steroid that's used by a lot of athletes, due to it boosting performance and energy levels, whilst fighting fatigue and shredding fat.
It's also one of the safest steroids currently available and has very low levels of virilization.
Men primarily use it for cutting, but for women, it can actually be used for bulking; if you just want to build small to moderate amounts of lean muscle.
It also preserves lean muscle tissue, so it’s great for stripping fat and keeping lean.
When talking about the best steroids for women, Anavar is usually the first steroid that springs to mind.
Anavar is often referred to as the ‘female steroid’ so right away this gives you a pretty strong clue that it's favoured highly amongst females.
Anavar's probably the mildest and safest steroid on the planet, making it ideal for women, or for men as a way of easing your way into the ‘dark side’ of steroid use.
It presents virtually no virilization properties whatsoever, it helps enhance energy levels and fat loss, maintains muscle mass and has virtually no side-effects at all.
Just a quick reminder to inform you that, no matter how weak a steroid is, you should always run post cycle therapy after a cycle, as all steroids affect your hormones.
Primobolon, or Primo for short, is the least androgenic of all steroids, meaning virilization side effects are very unlikely if used correctly.
Women can use this steroid for bulking or cutting, knowing that if they use it as directed, their risks of suffering any ill-effects are greatly reduced.
Primo will help maintain a positive nitrogen balance within the muscles, increasing protein synthesis and making your body more anabolic.
One common misconception associated with Clenbuterol, is that it's part of the steroid family.
This is not actually true, even though we're including it in this list of best steroids for women.
Clenbuterol is actually a stimulant that works in a very similar fashion to certain cutting steroids, making it great for fat loss and cutting cycles.
Female bodybuilders, in particular, absolutely adore this drug because it works so darn well for women looking to strip away fat while preserving lean muscle tissue.
Clen's probably the strongest fat-burning compound on our list so far, so again, always use it safely and as intended.
Some particularly undesirable side effects associated with Clenbuterol use include:
Clammy palms
Because of this, if you have any heart-related conditions in the slightest, you shouldn't use clenbuterol (no matter how much you want to get lean).
Trenbolone, not to be confused with Trenbolone (one of the strongest male steroids in existence) is basically the female equivalent of trenbolone.
Women shouldn't use Trenbolone, because it's very powerful and androgenic. However, women out there who want to build serious amounts of muscle and don't care about virilization will take tren.
However, they should first try Trenbolone, as it's weaker than Tren, but is designed to replicate the same effects without the virilization.
Trenbolone mimics the effects of tren, aiming to increase lean muscle mass and strength.
It also boosts athletic performance by increasing red blood cell production.
Red blood cells transport oxygen and nutrients to muscles and other parts of the body via the bloodstream, so obviously, the more red blood cells you have, the better your performance will be in the gym.
This in turn will result in bigger and faster gains.
Steroids For Women And PCT?
Unlike men, women don't need to run PCT because their hormone profile is different to a mans.
A man generally runs PCT to avoid the aromatizing effects of high estrogen levels in his body.
Women however, obviously need higher levels of Estrogen, so this isn't an issue.
Women can still run a PCT, to balance out their hormones, however this will consist of supplements which balance estrogen/testosterone levels rather than taking anti-estrogens (which actually block the hormones themselves).