Musclemax CLOMID 50mg ( 30 tablets )
Clomid i chemically a synthetic version of estranged which have both agonist/antagonist properties which in action is tructure is extremely similar to another PCT drug named Nolvadex. Both above properties play extremely important and significant roles in its ability to support women fertility.
Clomid and men (PCT)
In case of men, Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) acts as well as partial anti-estrogenic and is successfully used to counter several side effects of aromatizable steroids which include gynecomastia and water retention. As anti-estrogenic drug, Clomid may also increase FSH and LH levels which are key hormones in testosterone production. That Clomid effect on men is beneficial and crucial in post steroid therapy (PCT) .
Clomid and hCG
Most common usage of Clomid in PCT is to take it along with hCG and tamoxifen (Nolvadex) to restore levels of natural testosterone which was depressed during period of taking anabolic steroids . If natural testosteronelevels are not brought back , significant loss on mass and strength will be visible in most cases. It is due to fact , that lack of main anabolic hormone – Testosterone make cortisol a dominant hormone . As you may know, cortisol is catabolic hormone which basically eats muscles in days. Cortisol is biggest enemy of any person who wish to build muscles. Please bear in mind, that cortisol is released also during stress. So it mean that you can go to the gym 2 times a day , 7 days a week but if you life is filled with stress or you are tired, cortisol will play main role and you wont be able to build decent muscles.