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Musclemax HARD MAX 350


Musclemax HARD MAX 350

  • HARD MAX 350


    *Testosterone Cypionate 150mg

    *Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg

    *Masterone Enanthate 100mg


    Test Cypionate:

    Testosterone cypionate is an oil based injectable steroid, designed to release testosterone slowly form the injection site. Once administered, serum concentrations of this hormone will rise for several days, and remain markedly elevated for approximately two weeks. It may actually take three weeks for the action of this drug to fully diminish.

    Testosterone is a powerful hormone with notably prominent side effects. Much of which stem from the fact that testosterone exhibits a high tendency to convert into estrogen. Adding an ancillary drug like Nolvadex and or proviron is therefore advisable to those with a know sensitivity to this side effect. The Anti-aromatase Arimidex is a much better choice.

    This particular ester is active for a much longer duration. Most athletes prefer to inject it on a weekly basis in order to keep blood levels more uniform. The usual dosage would be in the range of 250mg-750mg. This level is quite significant and should provide the user a rapid gain of strength and body weight.


    Masteron Enanthate:

    If density and hardness is the goal of a competitive bodybuilder , Masteron Enanthate can aid this look when taken from around four weeks out from the competition, it is a useful cutting cycle steroid.

    Masteron is an injectable preparation containing the steroid drostanolone enanthate.  There is no concern when it comes to water retention and gynecomastia, as of course here estrogen is usually the culprit.

    Masteron Enanthate may in fact exhibit anti-estrogenic activity in the body, competing with other substrates for binding to aromatase. This would reduce the conversion rate of other steroids. Masteron acting in the same manner as the oral steroid proviron.


    Trenbolone Enanthate:

    The results from a cycle of Trenbolone Enanthate (Tren E) should see increased mass and strength, with great emphasis on muscle quality. This is often combined with notable fat loss and as a result the desirable lean-gain and cut combination.

    Despite the potential for high doses with the new trenbolone enanthate compound, it may not actually be necessary. This steroid works well at low doses. The average male bodybuilder will find that 150-250mg per week will provide a very strong effect. Such that a higher dose will not be necessary in the average stack.


    This means that a 10ml vial with 350mg/ml of steroid could last for a full 10 weeks or longer. It should be no surprise to most readers to see such a low recommended dosage range.

    Trenbolone Enanthate is a much slower releasing drug, and offers a great alternative to the frequent injections Trenbolone Acetate.

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