Proviron is a brand name for the steroid hormone Mesterolone, which is often used as a supplement to support muscle growth, strength, and endurance. Proviron is known for its androgenic and anabolic effects, which can help athletes and bodybuilders to build muscle mass, improve athletic performance, and enhance recovery. Additionally, Proviron has been used to treat low testosterone levels in men and to support male fertility. It's important to note that Proviron is a powerful supplement and should only be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.
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In the world of bodybuilding, there is a dirty little secret that not too many people speak of.
No, we’re not talking about Arnold’s controversial comeback Olympia win in 1980, we’re instead talking of the “S” word.
No, not that S-word, we mean steroids.
To somebody with no real knowledge about human anatomy and health and fitness in general, steroids are the devil incarnate.
The mere mention of the word renders them unable to function and results in them mumbling words such as ‘road rage’ or ‘heart attack’.
Yes, we know that steroids are very dangerous, and we also know that they’re illegal but no two steroids are 100% alike.
Some of stronger than others, some are weaker than others, and some, in all honesty, you’d be better off not bothering with at all.
Today we’re focussing on one of the more popular and effective steroids currently on the black market.
Yes, we’re looking at running a cycle.
In this guide today we’ll be looking at what Proviron is, how it works, what it does, what a Proviron may look like, dosages, side effects, and whether PCT is required once your cycle is complete.
What Is Proviron?
Proviron, or mesterolone, is one of the oldest androgenic anabolic steroids currently on the market today.It was created by a company known as Schering, who back in the 30s, was as big in the pharmaceutical industry as Apple is in the tech industry now.
That’s right, this steroid was first available on the market back in 1934.
That is pretty remarkable when you stop and think about it, as it means that it has been around before WW2.
Over the many years, it was available, it was marketed under many different names.
Despite this, Proviron still remained the most popular and it is Proviron how it is known to this day.
Though very unique, it shares a few similarities with Masteron, along with Winstrol and Anavar.
If you know your steroids, you’ll know that compared with the big boys like Tren, these steroids are actually quite mild.
You might like to check our article about Deca VS Tren.
Mild yes, but there are still powerful enough to provide impressive results and they can still do some damage.
Needless to say, this gives you an idea that Proviron is perhaps not as powerful as other steroids. It is, however, still very unique in its own way.
This steroid is not designed to be used for bulking purposes so if you want to become the next mass monster and pack so much size on that you’d give a prime Markus Ruhl a run for his money, Proviron isn’t for you.
It promotes lean muscle mass and fat loss and is, therefore, a great addition to many cutting stacks.
The FDA never actually approved this drug for therapeutic use, though it was approved in many parts of Europe.
It was used to treat androgenic deficiencies and can be used to treat a wide range of fertility issues, especially in men.
This steroid is a structurally altered DHT hormone that possesses the methyl group located at the carbon one position.
It is an oral steroid, it carries an androgenic rating of 30 – 40 and an anabolic rating of 100 – 150.
This rating is compared with testosterone, which in both categories, carries a rating of 100.
Proviron Benefits:
Fat Loss
If you want to pack on 40 pounds of muscle in a single cycle, Proviron isn’t the steroid for you.It promotes marginal increases in lean muscle tissue, but primarily it works by increasing core temperature, speeding up the metabolism, and helping to burn off stubborn body fat.
For those of you looking to get lean, either before a show, a holiday, or just because, Proviron is hugely beneficial, which makes it one of the top fat burning steroids.
Proviron is great for burning fat, leaving you looking leaner and slimmer than ever.
Great For Cutting
As many bodybuilders will know, the hardest part of any contest prep is the cutting.During this phase of the prep, the bodybuilder’s primary objective is to burn off as much fat as possible, while maintaining lean muscle mass.
Proviron is a very useful steroid because it promotes lean muscle growth and enables the body to preserve what existing muscle it already has.
All of this is while the metabolism is ramped up burning off body fat, and you’re in a caloric deficit.
Inhibits Aromatization
One of the worst things about steroid use is the fact that many steroids promote a process known as aromatization.This is a process where testosterone, either in the body or via the steroids themselves, is converted by the body into Estrogen.
Estrogen causes weight gain, water retention, hormonal fluctuations, gyno or gynecomastia, and much more besides.
It also promotes the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone that is anti-anabolic.
Proviron however, does not aromatize.
In fact, it inhibits the aromatization process.
It is able to do this by interacting with the enzyme responsible for aromatization.
It binds to it and actually inhibits aromatization activity.
This means that it is able to offer much more protection against Estrogenic activity – helping you to avoid many of the side effects associated with it.
Increased Lean Muscle Mass
Okay, while it won’t pack anywhere near as much muscle onto your frame as Anadrol, Trenbolone, Dianabol, or other powerful steroids, this is still an androgenic anabolic compound that has the ability to promote increases in lean muscle mass.If you use this steroid and continue to eat right, work hard in the gym, and lead a healthy lifestyle, you will notice improvements in your physique which will become more noticeable with each passing week.
On average, you can expect around 10 pounds of lean muscle from a cycle, which is certainly nothing to be sniffed at.
Building this amount of muscle naturally would take years, rather than months.
Improved Effects From Other Steroids
For best results, bodybuilders often stack Proviron with other anabolic androgenic steroids.This is beneficial for two reasons.
The first benefit is the fact that it helps to prevent Estrogenic side effects as we mentioned previously.
The next benefit is the fact that Proviron actually acts as a catalyst for the other steroids in your stack, so it can make them more effective.
It does this because it carries a very strong binding affinity to the androgen receptors in your body.
This means that the Proviron, and the other steroids in your stack, become more effective.
No Injections
Not everybody likes sticking a needle in their skin, and if you’re one of those people that hate needles, you’ll love the fact that this is an oral steroid.You can check more about this on our Oral Vs injectable steroids case study.
It is therefore taken in tablet form and is simply swallowed in the same way that you’d swallow a painkiller if you had a headache.
Proviron Cycle:
Now it’s time for us to take a look at a sample cycle for you to consider.Remember, it all depends on what you want to get from your cycle and what your goals may be.
Cycle 1
Week Anavar Proviron
1. 40mg per day 40mg per day
2. 60mg per day 40mg per day
3. 80mg per day 60mg per day
4. 80mg per day 60mg per day
5. 80mg per day 60mg per day
Cycle 2
Week Dianabol Proviron
1 40mg Each Day 50mg Each Day
2 40mg ED 50mg ED
3 40mg ED 50mg ED
4 40mg ED 50mg ED
5 40mg ED 50mg ED
6 40mg ED 50mg ED
7 40mg ED 50mg ED
8 40mg ED 50mg ED
Proviron Side Effects:
Now it’s time for us to look at some of the less-glamorous aspects of steroid use.Yes, we’re talking about the side-effects.
While Proviron is safer than most, it is still a very dangerous steroid that could potentially prove fatal if abused.
Common side effects include:
Liver Toxicity
As is the case with all oral steroids, even with Halotestin, one of the most severe side-effects you will need to watch out for is liver toxicity.Oral steroids are notorious for damaging the liver.
This is because, unlike oil-based injectable steroids, oral steroids do NOT bypass the liver.
They pass through the liver and cause damage on their way through.
This is why PCT should always be used and it is why on-cycle support in the form of a Milk Thistle supplement, should always be used.
Baldness Issues
If male pattern baldness runs in your family, using this steroid could result in you losing your hair at a much faster rate than you would without it.It does not, however, cause hair loss (RU58841) in everybody.
If you are not susceptible to hair loss, your head of hair will still remain perfectly intact.
Another common side-effect associated with Proviron use is the fact that it can cause acne.This is because it causes oils to build upon the skin, so oily skin is also an issue.
These oils clog the pores and prevent them from breathing.
This then causes spots and blemishes.
Most steroid users will find that they get spots on their faces, and on their backs and shoulders.
This is why it’s so important to maintain a healthy hygiene routine when using anabolic androgenic steroids, as you can reduce your risk of acne.
Enlarged prostate
Okay, this next side effect is only true in people who actively abuse this steroid.If you consume more than you should and use it at the wrong times, it can result in the prostate gland becoming enlarged.
This can leave you susceptible to other health issues, including an increased risk of prostate cancer.
The moral of the story here is that you should never abuse steroids.
Proviron Dosage:
Just to ensure that you really have been paying attention to what we’ve spoken to you about today, we’re going to look at typical Proviron cycle dosages.If you were paying attention you’ll know these dosages already, but if not, allow us to refresh your memory.
As it is a fast-acting oral steroid, Proviron is consumed daily.
Each day, dosages range from 40mg per day to 60mg each day.
Is PCT Required?
Post Cycle Therapy , or PCT as it is known in bodybuilding circles, is always required when running a steroid cycle.It doesn’t matter how great you feel, or how weak the steroids were, you should always run PCT after ending a cycle.
PCT should come in the form of Clomid and Nolvadex.
It should look something like:
Clomid – 50/50
Nolvadex – 20/20/20/20