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Musclemax SARMS LIGANDROL LGD-4033 ( 10mg ) 50 Tablets


Musclemax SARMS LIGANDROL LGD-4033 ( 10mg ) 50 Tablets

  • Product Description

    LIGANDROL LGD-4033 or commonly known as Ligandrol works its way by binding to the androgen receptor but with a rather high affinity and selectivity. Like testolone, it has shown similar displays of therapeutic benefits by testosterone, which includes a significant effect in treating muscle wasting diseases. However, it also contributes to anabolic activities in bones, a selective robust for muscle and bone versus prostate and sebaceous gland. LGD-4033 is equivalent to a mix between testosterone and Dianabol.  

    Clinical Trials 

    The few trials that have been done to study the effects of LGD-4033 has shown that it has almost similar effects to testolone which includes an increase in lean body mass and decrease in body fats. However, there were other effects as well, like a substantial increase in strength and recovering capabilities. Doses for the clinical trials reached up to 22mg/day.  


    Like testosterone, the effects of LGD-4033 are not limited solely to a fitness aspect as it also has a significant amount of medical benefits. It has displayed a strong ability in treating muscle wasting related diseases, particularly age-related issues. In a fitness aspect, LGD-4033 can be used for bulking, recomp and cutting, however has positively inclined more towards bulking and recomp. Like dianabol, bulking using LGD-4033 would require a proper diet with a substantial increase in calorie intake. However, for recomp and cutting, stacking Ligandrol with other suitable SARMs for cutting, particularly Cardarine, S-4 or Ostarine would result in better lean gains and quicker fat loss.  

    Side Effect 

    Although there are no major side effects with the use of LGD-4033, it still shows signs of suppression which relies more on the amount of dosage. However, despite being suppressive, the recovery is nowhere near as long from the usage of anabolic steroids. Nevertheless, Ligandrol has a higher suppression level compared to all other SARMs. Thus, it is advisable to have an aromatase inhibitor with a full PCT cycle.  


    Bulking: 5-10mg/day (8 weeks)

    Cutting: 3-5mg/day (8 weeks)

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