Musclemax SARMS OSTARINE MK2866 ( 10mg ) 50 Tablets
Product Description
MK-2866 or commonly known as Ostarine binds directly to the muscle receptors causing immense muscle growth much similar to that of muscular growth based on steroids but without the side effects that comes with it. In fact, the gains arising from the usage of Ostarine is very much retainable after the cycle as long as workout remains consistent. This differs greatly from the usage of steroids which usually causes certain amount of gains lost post cycle. If there was a comparison, the closest anabolic steroid which matches the properties of Ostarine would be Anavar.
Clinical Trials
Ostarine was first developed by Gtx which its initial function was steered towards combating muscle wasting diseases. However, in its initial trial, Ostarine proved to be a rather powerful version of Anavar, in which it displayed significant muscle growth increment in all its subjects. The continuous use of Ostarine also revealed that it resulted in a statistically significant increase in lean body mass and improvement in overall physical performance.
Based on its clinical trials, the benefits of Ostarine is not limited to it being a treatment for muscle wasting diseases. It has proven to be rather efficient in increasing lean muscles and reducing fats, in which it greatly improves the levels of glucose and insulin in the user’s system. Apart from being rather useful in the aspect of fitness, this increment in glucose and insulin would also be helpful towards all types of prediabetic conditions.
Side Effect
With a proper dosage, there seems to be no presence of any side effects with Ostarine as it doesn’t display any signs of being suppressive. However, long usage or higher dosage seem to make it slightly suppressive but not as serious as those side effects present in the usage of steroids. It is recommended to conduct a mini PCT after an Ostarine cycle.
Male: 12.5-25mg/day (8 weeks)
Female: 5-12.5mg/day (8 weeks)