Musclemax TREN-A 100
Trenbolone Acetate lack of extrogenic activity has made trenbolone very appealing for competitive athletes looking to shed fat, while avoiding water retention.
Likewise tren can give us the high androgen content needed in order to elicit a very hard, defined physique. While it is a noteworthy hardening agent, this is certainly not the only benefit to this steroid however, it also a noteworthy anabolic.
Trenbolones muscle building properties are often compared to strong drugs such as testosterone and dianabol. This may be a little generous of a description however.
Its lack of estrogenic activity does seem to hurt this agent in its abilities to promote muscle mass gains. But it is more popular when dieting for a competition.
When taken without another estrogenic steroid, results are most often reported as good lean tissue growth accompanied by exceptional hardening and fat loss. Although perhaps it is not quite as potent as the more estrogenic bulking agents if sheer mass is the goal.
What we think:
I think we can still safely say that trenbolone is a better builder milligram for milligram than nandrolone, and likely the most anabolic of all the non-estrogenic steroids.
Trenbolone acetate is a very versatile steroid, working exceptionally well for both bulking and cutting purposes. It seems to mix well with just about any type of steroid. For a lean, hard build, one can add a mild anabolic like winstrol or primobolan. Without extra water beneath your skin, the androgen/anabolic mix will elicit a very solid, well-defined build.
For a good mass gain, still without excessive bloat, Deca-durabolin or Equipoise are popular additions. Here again, the trenbolone will greatly enhance and solidify the new muscle growth. When looking purely for mass, trenbolone pairs well with testosterone, anadrol 50 or dianabol. The result will no doubt be an incredible gain of muscle mass.